Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Adventures of Captain Gale: Switching to Yahoo! Groups

From: []
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 5:59 AM
Subject: Yahoo group

Faithful email readers:

With my email machine allowing me 25 subscribers per email and an ever-expanding distribution list, it's become too ponderous (and expensive!) to send out my periodic emails via pocketmail. My friend Truman has set me up with a yahoo group, and will be signing everyone up to be able to continue to get my newsletters. I'm in another yahoogroup, and its been my experirnce that yahoo sends virtualy no junk mail after the intro letter. Truman and I are the only ones able to send mail to the list, so the only mindless emails you get will be from me. There is an option when you receive the initial email to opt out of the distribution.

I hope everyone is coping with the "coldest winter in xx years", depending on your locale. Fear not, according to the Nassau Met Office we are experiencing the coldest winter in 60 years. Why, just yesterday I was forced to cut short my snorkling after only 20 minutes. I swear it wasn't because of the 4' sand shark hat suprised me...

Again, sorry about the Yahoo group thing, but the cruising kitty just doesn't allow for 20 minute email sessions.

Little Farmers Cay
23 deg, 57' N
76 deg, 18' W
Sunny and 75 degrees, winds North at 10-15

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