Welcome, Hello and Howdy! Thanks for dropping by for the inaugural post to Des...Mobile. I hope to bring you interesting and helpful information from the mobile technology world.
I'll share exciting news, pictures and insigts from my travels, important mobile technology development information, the occasional press release and even "How To" guides on things like "Sending text messages so you can win $10,000 on Deal or No Deal" (you're welcome Mom).
Most of all, if you have a mobile related question, please drop me a line and I'll do my best to answer it, or point you in the right direction to find the answer!
Older post information can be found on my old blog http://mauiss7.blogger.com. I will slowly stop posting over there and post over here from now on. You can also check out the links to the right and see some other places I can be found on the web, but typically I write here first and then replicate it on other sites to reach all of my friends. If you have a suggestion for a cool link, please let me know and I'll check it out, you may even get a add out of the deal!
Thanks again for dropping bay and check back often for updates!
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